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Toolkit and Handbook of GAGA Project

Opportunity to volunteer in Africa and Abroad 2021

  • Toolkit: includes the toolkits, with the detailed description of all the non formal educational activities run in the two International Training Courses, implemented within GAGA project, in January 2019 in Uganda and in June 2019 in Italy. Here the link: https://www.lunaria.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/GAGA_Toolkit.pdf
  • Handbook: includes the information concerning the project background, the main outcomes and the results of the field research to detect the needs of youth workers and organizations in the participating countries, for what concerns gender issues. Moreover it includes the global pedagogical approach promoted within the project and the six workshops built up by the project participants to answer the detected needs and to enforce the raising awareness action in the four geographical areas covered by the actions. Here the link: https://www.lunaria.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/GAGA_Handbook_compressed.pdf





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