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Evolve Toolkit training

Evolve Toolkit-Training and Capacity building

Training and Capacity building, the Evolution for the IVS movement” project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.

KVDA Kenya had an opportunity to attend and be part of the “EVOLVE IV Solution – Training and Capacity building, the Evolution for the IVS movement” project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.

The project seeks to enable the exchange and development of new cooperation between CCIVS members and invited guests coming from different regions of the world. In face of the declining numbers of volunteers it offers a space to build new partnerships, and to develop key competencies in the field of communication, marketing and fundraising.Erasmus plus

Being part of the International Voluntary Service movement means that you have a very important role to motivate and bring positive change to your community.

To establish an effective communication, it is important to maintain the first message and idea from the source to the end user. In order to do so, it’s important to identify both the communication channel and the communication methodologies. If not, there can be a distorting set of factors that affect, both how the message is sent (word choice, feeling towards the listener, choice of environment, etc.) and how the message is received (the level of interest, personal feelings from the receiver towards the sender, etc.

Strategic communication

Strategic communication is a term used to encompass a variety of communication-related professions, such as public relations, brand communication, internal communication and corporate communication. It refers to policymaking and guidance for consistent information activity within an organization and between organizations.

It can mean either communicating a concept, a process, or data that satisfies a long term strategic goal of an organization. Communication is strategic when it is completely consistent with the organization mission, vision, values.

We are hopeful to feel inspired and empowered during this period of training. These techniques and strategic of communication will make our organization flourish and grow to its full potential.


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