Project Name: ST. Joseph’s nyamosense special unit school
JULY 2023
Code: KVDA/STV/07A
Dates: 3rd -24TH July 2023
Orientation: 3rdJuly 2023
Travel to the Project: 4th July 2023
Project closure: 23rdJuly 2023
Travel from the project: 24th July 2023
Location: Kuria, Migori County, South West Kenya
Theme: THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES: “The duty to Protect, Respect, Promote and Fulfill”
AGE: Volunteers have to be at least 18 years old to participate in the work camp. There is no upper age limit.
Project overview
The School is still at the initial stages started in 2012 under Nyamosense Primary School and Nyamosense Catholic Church. The management is in the process of registering the institution with the Ministry of Social Services in Kubwaha. The inhabitants are Kuria speaking people residing in the South West of Kenya. Their economic mainstay is farming, where farmers grow tobacco, maize, beans, sweet potatoes and other horticultural crops for sale. Cattle and goat trade also take place but the volume of trade has gone very low owing to the incessant cases of cattle rustling between the Kuria people and the Maasai and Kipsigis of the neighboring Trans Mara district. The area has low levels of literacy especially among people aged from 35 years and above.
PROJECT Activities
The idea was prompted by the growing need to sensitive members of the local community on the plight of Children with disabilities, who continue to suffer neglect and denial as the society remains conservative and unwilling to attend to children with disabilities. Volunteers will work for six hours daily from Monday to Friday.
Manual work and Intercultural activities:
- Teaching pupils at the Special Unit School
- Care and support of orphans
- Interacting with children with disabilities
- Learn how to use sign language
- Brick making together with local community members ∙ Open forums for discussion on children rights
- Study lessons on retrogressive cultural practices like Female Genital Mutilation
PROJECT PARTICIPANTS: Maximum 20 volunteers from Kenya and the international community
What to carry?
This is outlined in the detailed info sheet and includes, sleeping bag and mat, toiletries, torch/flashlight, sandals, mosquito net, national flag from your country, among others
These are usually symbolic gestures to enhance the solidarity of volunteers and the hosting community. Kindly contact KVDA for details in case you are willing to support a worthy cause in the community either by offering a donation or long-term intervention on the project.
THEME: RIGHTS OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: “The duty to Protect, Respect, Promote and Fulfill”
People with disabilities faces a myriad of challenges and most of them are kept in the dark and never discussed. The society out of misinformation choose to segregate them and in some cases denying those basic rights, such as the right to education, right to socialize with other people and the attendant stigma that takes a psychological toll on the victims.
People with disabilities are the most marginalized and vulnerable group in Kenya. They are often abused, exploited and excluded by society, denying them of their right to health, protection and education.
The work camp provides an opportunity for all actors to renew their commitments towards improving the plight of marginalized and vulnerable by organizing activities aimed at including people with disabilities hence actively integrating them into the community development spectrum. There is a lot of stigma within communities towards homes and institutions with people with disabilities.
The public needs to know that they can be useful citizens in the future and also contribute towards the development of the country. Because of the continued stigma, parents often hide their children and deny them their rights, thinking they are totally helpless. Volunteers together with community members and people with disability will create forums where the local will be enlightened and enabled to understand that “Disability is not inability”.
The volunteers will work together with members of the local community to address the issue of stigma and access to basic facilities and the place of children with disabilities in the contemporary world
Orientation: Will be done on 3rd July 2023 at Nairobi South YMCA Hostel in Nairobi and the team will leave for the project on the morning of 4th July 2023
Airport pick-up services:
- The port of entry to Kenya is Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi.
- Airport pick up will be done on provision of full flight details.
- Volunteers will stay at Nairobi South YMCA Hostel at a subsidized fees ahead of their project placement.
Participation FEES: The project participation fees that is all-inclusive for the 3-week work camp is Euro 300
What is not included in the project participation fees: Transport to and from the project will be paid by the volunteers themselves.
INSURANCE: KVDA does not provide insurance and volunteers should obtain travel insurance cover. It is a good idea to get medicine you are used to from your home country and seek advice from your personal doctor.
Project preparation cycle, return transfers from the airport, KVDA administration, orientation, certificate of participation, project coordination, facilitation, evaluation and monitoring
Excursion activities, transport to and from the project, local travel, personal effects, needs and wants.
KVDA offers educational tours to spectacular sites including the renowned Maasai Mara Game Reserve at separate fees. Please contact us for specific tour information.
- Volunteers will stay in a homestead with very basic living conditions. ∙ Volunteers have an obligation to climb down the level of the people with the aim of exposure to development challenges.
- KVDA will provide foodstuffs and volunteers will cook their own meals in turns.
- Water is available from springs and it is recommended that drinking water should be boiled or medicated. Mineral water available at supermarkets is also recommended.
- There is no electricity connection at the project but volunteers can charge their electric appliances at the nearest market center.
- However, the Government policy to install ICT in primary schools has seen connectivity to the national power grid for most educational institutions in Kenya and this makes it easy for volunteers to use electric appliances while at the project.
- Furthermore, we invite you to bring typical food, spices, drinks, games and music from your country (for an intercultural evening) – and a lot of motivation!
LANGUAGE: English is the language of the work camp. There will be a possibility of learning Kiswahili and other international and local languages as cultural diversity is a major component in international service
Below are the emergency contacts for Kenya Voluntary Development Association:
KVDA Administration: +254721 650 357
PROJECT DETAILED INFO SHEET: Will be sent to the volunteer sending organization as soon as the application is accepted by KVDA
CONFIRMATION DEADLINE: Should be done via e-mail at least one month before the start of the project.