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Roddy’s eco Cover Environmental Project

Kvda Kenya Volunteer

Project Name: Roddy’s eco Cover Environmental Project

JULY 2023  

Code: KVDA/STV/07C 

Dates: 10th – 31ST July 2023 

Orientation: 10th July 2023 

Travel to the Project: 11th July 2023 

Project closure: 30th July 2023 

Travel from the project: 31st July 2023 

Location: Vihiga County, Western Kenya 

Theme: Youth Entrepreneurship and Leadership  Development 

Project overview 

  • Roddy’s Eco-Cover is a community-based organization founded in 2011 to  champion environmental awareness with forestry as key concern 
  • The project was established by members of the local community with the  aim of empowerment for the less fortunate members in the quest to tackle  development challenges at the grassroots.  
  • Its major focus is on environmental concern to mitigate the effects of  climate change and foster inter-cultural education among the local  community  
  • The project is located at Ebuyangu village in Emuhaya constituency in  Vihiga country that is situated in Western Kenya  
  • It is situated 430 Kilometers away from Nairobi city and its located in an  area that is famed for cultural diversity due to the high population density 
  • The volunteers will be hosted in a homestead to experience cultural  diversity and learn to live and interact with members of the host community  in an atmosphere of cooperation and solidarity  
  • This project has hosted previously both local and international volunteers  and it has great potential for the replication of its activities in equally  challenging circumstances in other regions of Kenya 

AGE: Volunteers have to be at least 18 years old to participate in the work  camp. There is no upper age limi


Manual work and Intercultural activities:  

  • Manual work and intercultural activities 
  •  Agro forestry that will include tree planting  
  • Preparation of tree nurseries and weeding  
  • Land scaping and tending to bamboo trees in the natural habitat  Cleanup activities  
  • Naming of trees  
  • Home visits  
  • Inter-cultural learning coupled with home visits for exposure to  development challenges.  
  • Possibility to visit the historic sites like Hippo point on Lake Victoria  in Kisumu City, renowned Kakamega Rain Forest and the Equator  point at Maseno University; among other spectacular sites of interest  in the region. However, this will be done most probably during the  weekends. 

PROJECT PARTICIPANTS: Maximum 20 volunteers from Kenya and the  international community 

What to carry? 

This is outlined in the detailed info sheet and includes, sleeping bag and mat,  toiletries, torch/flashlight, sandals, mosquito net, national flag from your  country, among others 


These are usually symbolic gestures to enhance the solidarity of volunteers  and the hosting community. Kindly contact KVDA for details in case you are  willing to support a worthy cause in the community either by offering a  donation or long-term intervention on the project. 

THEME: Youth Entrepreneurship and Leadership  Development 

Description of the Problem/Challenges  

Challenges Facing Youth in Kenya: Below are some risk factors that affect  entrepreneurship development in particular: 

Rites of Passage: The absence of rites of passage means that youth are no longer well  prepared for adulthood by the traditional means of providing youth with mentors who  give them advice to equip them for adulthood; 

Education: Suitability of education/vocational training for the labor market. There is  limited access to secondary schools and alternative forms of education are lacking. There  is also a need for life skills training in the education curriculum. At present, students are  trained just to pass exams; 

Inequality/regional disparity: There is inequality in many fields, and often this has a  regional aspect. Youth in certain geographical regions are marginalized, with restricted  access to opportunities that are available to other young persons. In urban areas, poor youth and those living in slum areas have severely limited access to  services and opportunities; 

Society’s attitude towards youth: Youth face discrimination purely on the grounds of age.  This is legitimatized by beliefs such as wisdom only comes with age, and that youth is  merely a transition period. Society also perceives youth as irresponsible and  troublemakers. This perception may contribute to difficulty in obtaining credit; 

Expectations of youth: Society’s expectations of young people are not very clear. A gap in  expectations has opened between what parents and older generations expect of youth on  the one hand, and the expectations of youth themselves (influenced by their peers, and the media, etc.). Society’s expectations of youth may overshadow personal expectations  and overwhelm youth. There is also an assumption that white-collar jobs are best and  little encouragement is offered to youth to take up blue-collar jobs; 

Displacement: Especially in slum areas, the demolition of homes has displaced many  youths. Others were rendered homeless by the politically inspired ethnic clashes around  election time in the 1990s. Homes on proposed road routes, close to power lines and  railway tracks are being demolished. The social consequences, both short and long term,  of such displacement are severe; 

Policies: Gaps in, and unsuitability of, existing policy can be cited, along with important  problems of implementation. Absence of youth participation in actual decision-making  or implementation of policies affecting them was also cited. Youth are merely used as  tokens in the policy formulation process; 

Corruption: Corruption can be cited as one of the major risk factors affecting youth. It  results in unequal access to resources. It is especially cited as a problem when youth are  trying to establish businesses. Those who lack money to bribe have difficulty in getting  assistance to set up their businesses; 

Transition: Kenya is undergoing transition in many areas and this affects youth  particularly. For example, there is a transition from an agrarian to an information based  society, yet knowledge is not keeping up with the changes. Changes in social expectations  are also resulting in confusion. Children are obliged to take on the roles of adults when  households are decimated by HIV/AIDS. The influence and support of the extended  family is also declining; 

Choice of Role Models: Negative role models tend to be elevated. There is a dearth of  positive models for leadership roles, exacerbated by the negative and corrupt image of  leaders projected by the media. Parents, too, may often present negative role models in  alcoholism and violence. The media glorifies negative role models, such as drug barons  and advertisements for alcohol glamorize risky behavior. 

Orientation: Will be done on 10th July 2023 at Nairobi South YMCA  Hostel in Nairobi and the team will leave for the project on the morning of  11th July 2023 

Airport pick-up services: 

  • The port of entry to Kenya is Jomo Kenyatta International  Airport in Nairobi
  • Airport pick up will be done on provision of full flight details.  
  • Volunteers will stay at Nairobi South YMCA Hostel at a subsidized  fees ahead of their project placement. 

Participation FEES: The project participation fees that is all-inclusive  for the 3-week work camp is Euro 300 

What is not included in the project participation fees: Transport to  and from the project will be paid by the volunteers themselves.  

INSURANCE: KVDA does not provide insurance and volunteers should  obtain travel insurance cover. It is a good idea to get medicine you are used  to from your home country and seek advice from your personal doctor. 


Project preparation cycle, return transfers from the airport, KVDA  administration, orientation, certificate of participation, project coordination,  facilitation, evaluation and monitoring 


Excursion activities, transport to and from the project, local travel, personal  effects, needs and wants. 


KVDA offers educational tours to spectacular sites including the renowned  Maasai Mara Game Reserve at separate fees. Please contact us for specific  tour information.  


  • Volunteers will stay in a homestead within the community with very  basic living conditions.  
  •  Volunteers have an obligation to climb down the level of the people  with the aim of exposure to development challenges.  
  • There is electricity in this homestead
  • KVDA will provide foodstuffs and volunteers will cook their own meals  in turns. Water is available from springs and it is recommended that  drinking water should be boiled or medicated. Mineral water available  at supermarkets is also recommended.  
  • There is electricity connection at the project and the volunteers have  an opportunity to use electric appliances. 
  • Furthermore, we invite you to bring typical food, spices, drinks, games  and music from your country (for an intercultural evening) – and a lot  of motivation! 

LANGUAGE: English is the language of the work camp. There will be a  possibility of learning Kiswahili and other international and local languages  as cultural diversity is a major component in international service 


Below are the emergency contacts for Kenya Voluntary Development  Association: 

KVDA Administration: +254721 650 357 

PROJECT DETAILED INFO SHEET: Will be sent to the volunteer sending  organization as soon as the application is accepted by KVDA 

CONFIRMATION DEADLINE: Should be done via e-mail at least one month  before the start of the project 

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