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Empowerment against Female Genital Mutilation in South West Kenya

Early teenage marriages among boys and girls, below the age of 18 years who have not developed physically profoundly stifles gender neutrality to extremes

KVDA has conducted an assessment in Kuria community and found out that early teenage pregnancy, poverty, bad cultural practices, e.g. FGM, illiteracy are the source for early marriage.

In order to address this key problem KVDA proposes to conduct a workshop on early marriage to tackle the problem.

This workshop will help to decrease the higher number of illiteracy, FGM, mortality rate, street children, diseases like fistula. As characteristic shows 52% of the population of teenagers in Kuria community are married at the age of 12 – 15 years. This is from 2012 up to 2014.

AIM: to create awareness to parents and teenagers to tackle early marriage in the community

-to educate parents on the importance of education to young girls
-to create awareness on the effects of bad cultural practices, e.g. FGM
-to educate teenagers and parents on the effects and dangers of early pregnancy

-Seminars and workshops with parents, teenagers and tribal leaders on the effects of early marriage
-Health clubs establishment in schools in order to educate teenagers on the effects of early marriage and FGM
-Drama and music concerts organization to address the effects and dangers of early marriage

Activity 1  Parents, teachers, tribal leaders and religious leaders
Activity 2  Teenagers
Activity 3  Communities

METHODS seminars, workshops, concerts, health clubs

INDICATORS 95 trained participants will organize a number of trainings and workshops on the effects of early marriage and bad cultural practices, e.g. FGM and eventually the cases decreased. The cases that are decreased are: school drop out, number of early pregnancy cases, number of early marriage cases, FGM cases.


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